$300.00 USD

Spiritual Channeling for the Year (90 min)

Spiritual Channeling for the Year (90 min, virtual or in person)  


During this spiritual channeling session, you will receive messages from your spirit guides, master teachers, and loved ones on the other side about the highest path for you in the New Year. You will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of this session. This is not a prediction of the future, because you co-create your future every single day with your thoughts, energy, and actions. Rather, it’s a picture of your highest potential of what is possible for you if you release the fears and limiting beliefs, and align with your purpose, love, joy. This session helps you deepen your trust into yourself and the Universe, so that you can manifest the year ahead, I will share with you suggestions about a consistent daily practice that helps you move forward in your goals. This session opens up opportunities of what is possible for you and your life when you lead deeper into loving and accepting yourself.  

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