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 Formal Brief BIO:  Mariya is a spiritual business & life mentor for entrepreneurs & leaders. She is a former tenured university professor who studied behavior change. Mariya is a bestselling author, an award-winning educator, and an author of 50+ publications. She appeared in Women Inspired TV, NBC, ABC, and other media outlets. Her mission to bring out the highest potential in her clients. 

You can access her Full CV here


“In the eyes of your Soul, it's all fun :) ”

A Non-Linear Path: You can read a "brief version" of my path in my memoir "From Russia to Joy: A Journey of Spiritual Awakening" 😃 

In retrospect, everything unfolded exactly as it was supposed to be, but in the process, it was "What the heck!" 

I got interested in self-development when I was a teen in high school. Psychology didn't exist in Russia (my birth country) at the time, so I bought some books from a weird Self-Development Institute in Moscow, and devoured them. My motivation was to have a life that's better than my parents do. 

When I was in college, my dad offered to pay either for my English-language classes or for a degree in psychology. I chose an English-level tutor. 

At 21 I immigrated to the USA (alone) and started a new chapter of my life. 

I worked my butt off, studying, working, getting from a waitress to a university professor in less than 10 years. 

But my personal purpose wasn't fulfilled: I wasn't meant to just have a job, get paid, and get numb. 

As a highly sensitive person, at 30, I started questioning everything. Most people do it when they are teens, but I wasn't allowed to ask questions in my household. I was supposed to obey. 

I rebelled at 30 instead, after a major crisis in my relationship, mental health, and deep professional dissatisfaction. 

I took up meditation, yoga, travelled the world, stopped listening to anyone who is not embodying what they are saying (basically words and actions had to match), left my academic job after I got my tenured University professor position, learned to channel spirit, meditated for weeks at a time, studied business, and decided to open my own company. 

It was a very hard process. I used humor & cursing a lot in the past to move through major life transitions, decisions, and immense waves of pain, sorrow, grief, and healing. 

I've done all kinds of healing on myself and completed a degree in alternative healing. I've meditated daily for the past 15 years (never used drugs to access spiritual truths).

I am grateful for my immense discipline & perseverance in getting where I am today - building my business, being happily married, having a healthy and vibrant son, building a community, and having much better mental & physical health! I am also grateful for incredible teachers along the way.

While I am skipping many details, I wouldn't change a thing about my past. I've come to deep acceptance and gratitude for all the lessons - they have made me the person I am today. 

And I am here to serve you! 


P.S. Some pictures from my adventures are below. 

Education & Work Experience

  • Alternative Healing/Coaching - Master's Degree from Delphi University

Trained in subconscious healing, nervous system regulation, inner child healing, beliefs restructuring, mediumship, spiritual channeling & spiritual counseling, psychic skills development, past-life regression, soul/life reading, color & sound healing, akashic records reading, relationship dynamics, masculine & feminine energetics, crystal healing, & manifestation techniques, mind-body connection in healing, EFT, soul journey, creation of reality & others

Have worked with clients since 2009 in 1:1 & group settings

  • Business & Marketing Education (from various teachers & coaches online) 

B school with Marie Forleo, money mindset, money breathwork, copy-writing, marketing, Instagram marketing, manifestation for business, online course creating, online visibility, product launch formula with Jeff Walker, metaphysics of business development, business belief restructuring, soul-aligned business, sales techniques for heart-centered selling, public speaking

Have started my own business in 2009 full-time & currently coach clients on business 

  • Behavior Change/Statistics  (PhD in quantitative psychology from the Graduate Center, CUNY; post-doc from Penn State in statistics and prevention of disease).  

Was a university professor for 8 years with tenure. Taught statistics (fundamental & advanced); mindfulness, and metaphysics. Received the Best Educator Award, NIH grants, 50+ publications in peer-reviewed journals, near 100 conference presentations. 

My research focus was studying behavior change in people, and ways to use technology to promote positive behavior change.

  • Public Speaking  

Have been doing public speaking pretty much all my life, in various contexts: as an educator, a community organizer, at conferences, on podcasts, on TV interviews

  • Additional/Miscellaneous Studies

Master's Degree in Education in History & Law (from Smolensk State University) - was a high-school teacher for 2 years. 

Musical School (classic piano in Russia) 

Dance & movement of various forms (ballet, belly dance, Latin dance, ecstatic dance). Have been teaching & facilitating ecstatic dance in the Boston community for 2 years. 

Yoga Teacher Training (500+ HR) in the USA and India. Have taught yoga for 8+ years. Have practiced yoga for 20+ years now. 

Painting & art

                    The bottom line is I am a life-long learner. 

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