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One-On-One Sessions

My mission is to help you realize your highest potential in business, leadership, love, & creativity. You are here to shine fully!

Please, note that any transformational process takes time, consistency, & commitment. If we are a good fit, it's best to work over a period of time.

Schedule an intro call 

Central Techniques I use:

Access Your True Self: We work on discovering your Soul's purpose and aligning your work & life with that

Nervous System regulation: We use techniques such as breathwork, meditation, intentional movement, & spiritual channeling to help you get out of fear and relax in your body so that you can take actions

Shadow Work: This involves working through your subconscious mind & conditioning (in this & past lifetimes) to release and change limiting beliefs and understand life lessons 

Inner Child Healing: This can involve reparenting and unlocking your creativity & intuition

Male & Female Dynamics Balancing: Healing the relationships between your inner feminine & masculine to achieve inner balance

Energetic Work: This is subtle work on your energy field to restore your connection to Source energy, open your heart to love, and reprogram your body on a cellular level

Business & Money Coaching: releasing limiting beliefs around money, finding a strategy for your business that feels aligned & sustainable, building a purpose-driven & heart-centered business

Creativity & Self-Expression: Helping you connect to your expressive self, which can translate into writing, movement, painting, sharing your creative ideas, and more 


Practical Information:

✨ I always recommend starting with an introductory call, so that we can meet each other

✨ You are also welcome to book a single session to try it out

✨ Working consistently over time produces the most noticeable, lasting, and sustainable results 

✨ If you feel that we are a fantastic fit and money is an issue, reach out, and let's talk

Online sessions: 90% of my sessions are online unless you live in or are willing to travel to the Boston area. 

✨ My goal is to help you trust yourself. I serve in the role of guide, healer, & mentor. And my job is to help you listen to yourself so that you can do everything we do together - yourself. 

Embrace Rest and Integration: I recommend setting aside time, daily, when you can do self-care. Whether it's meditation, moving your body, being in nature, or writing. This time is necessary for change. Go-go-go is an old way of creating your life.

Open Communication: Communication is central to your success. Keep me in the loop about your progress & questions. Communicate between sessions. Send questions here [email protected]

✨ Refund Policy: Sessions are non-refundable. Unless there is an emergency

✨ Cancellation/Reschedule Policy: 48 hours unless there is an emergency



Life's Purpose Alignment Session

(Single Session)

$250 (90 minutes)

This session will guide you in deeply connecting with and articulating your life's purpose. By doing so, you will gain clarity on your Soul’s journey, the lessons you are learning, and the unique gifts and talents you possess. Together, we will uncover your heart-centered desires, align your thoughts with what serves your highest good, and release some limiting beliefs. The process is designed to help you create a harmonious and fulfilling life aligned with your authentic self.

BUY NOW $250

Connect to Source: Energy Healing Session (Single Session)

$500 (2 hours)

This is an energy healing session, where we go deep within to connect to Source energy and receive deep healing connected to your intention. This is a gentle yet powerful experience that facilitates a direct connection to the Soul, inviting the flow of unconditional love and wisdom into your mind and body. As you release stress, anxiety, worry, judgment, doubt, fear, and other patterns, you’ll leave feeling more aligned and clear. You will also receive intuitive and spiritual guidance during this session. 

BUY NOW $500

3-Month Expand Container

$2500 or 3 monthly payments of $888

Usually done twice a month (3 months total).

If more support is needed, we can meet weekly 

(Six sessions. The first session is about 75 to 90 minutes. Subsequent sessions are 60 min)

We choose a focus in your business and/or life for 3-months together and consistently work towards achieving that goal. The package is highly customizable depending on what you are looking for and the tools we use.

Prior to our first session, I will send you a questionnaire to learn about how your mind works, your habits, and the ways you change and grow. I will also ask about your priorities & goals. The first session is longer, where we set the intention & dive in.  Support between sessions is available if questions arise.

We can cover a lot of ground in a single session and dive very deep. Between sessions, it's your time to integrate, practice, and take aligned actions. We combine energetic and inner shifts with embodiment and action-taking so that you can see measurable shifts in your life. 

If can extend this package beyond 3 months. 

BUY NOW $2500

6-Month Flourish Container

$5000 or 6 monthly payments of $888 

Usually done twice a month (6 months total).

If more support is needed, we can meet weekly 

(Twelve sessions. The first session is about 75 to 90 minutes. Subsequent sessions are 60 min)

This is a fantastic opportunity to grow on the levels you choose: personal, professional, spiritual, romantic, holistic, and more. 

We dive into 6 months of accountability, energetic and mindset shifts, self-care, self-love, business & financial expansion & more. It's all related. 

Prior to our first session, I will send you a questionnaire to learn about how your mind works, your habits, and the ways you change and grow. I will also ask about your priorities & goals. The first session is longer, where we set the intention & dive in.

We meet twice a month for 6 months. You can ask me questions between the sessions if needed. I hold you accountable to your intentions and help you learn, grow, change, and shift in your thinking, being, and habits. We combine the inner shifts with outer changes in your actions.

This work is highly customized and services your highest good, intentions, and purpose. 

BUY NOW $5000

Additional Services

I provide couples mentorship, workshop facilitation, group healing, and retreats. If you are interested in these, reach out.

Other services include past life regression, spiritual channeling, akashic records reading, angelic reading, connecting to the energetics of your business, shamanic experiences, creativity development, sexual healing, & more.

Thank you for your interest in working with me. 

Message Here


I hold a deep belief in human potential. And have seen amazing transformations in myself & others. 

Human beings are multi-dimensional.

I specialize in working with purpose-driven leaders & entrepreneurs.

When we work together, we might touch on some of these areas:

  • Intuition development & self-trust
  • Worthiness & self-empowerment
  • Embodying sexuality & creative energy
  • Stress reduction and balance in giving & receiving  
  • Building a healthy, joyful, sustainable relationship with money
  • Healing self-sabotage: recognizing the patterns
  • Inner child work and healing
  • Forgiveness and enoughness 
  • Creativity, imagination & self-expression (in voice, communication, work, life, and business)
  • Spiritual connection to the Universal Source, unconditional love, your Higher Self, & your guides & teachers
  • Healing self-judgment
  • Prioritizing your joy and wellness
  • Business development
  • Ease, trust, creativity, and flow!
  • Money mindset & openness to receive money

I look forward to working with you!

Client Testimonials

Jessica Mortell 

Entrepreneur, Engineer, Coach

Working with Mariya is a breath of fresh air, getting to the core of an issue in only 45 minutes, and providing supportive, healing, and nourishing tools to work with. I loved listening to my channeled affirmations, and some of them hit so deep. I felt positive shifts in my body, and relationships around money, disappointment, and collaborating with others.

It is clear Mariya has done the work. Your space-holding and voice are soothing, calming, and centering and I always appreciate how you hold a container with nonjudgement, acceptance, and playfulness. Your compassion and joy radiate in everything you do, and I highly recommend working with Mariya if you want to make quantum leaps in your life, work, and relationships


Entrepreneur, Artist, DJ 

I started working with Mariya as a part of my renewed commitment to spiritual development. Working with her has strengthened my resolve to maintain this commitment and I made real progress toward the person that I aspire to be. For too long, I was off and on about personal growth and ended up repeating the same patterns and mistakes. 

Mariya intuitively sensed past experiences and relationships that inhibited my growth which had even manifested as physical energy blockages in my body. She is so loving and sincere in her work that I felt very comfortable sharing difficult-to-admit truths about myself, for which she was able to guide me to find love for myself. 

The highlight of my time with Mariya, so far, was during an in-person, energetic healing session, when she was helping me reconnect with my inner child. I had a lucid experience of myself as a 5-year-old, from the perspective of that 5-year-old. I was by a lake during the summer with my mother and father, fully present in the moment and experiencing causeless joy. I returned feeling a lightness and carefreeness that made me cry with happiness and wonder why I wasted any time or energy being mad at anyone including myself. I can now re-access that feeling with ease when I am relaxed and centered. 

In summary, if you are serious about doing real work on yourself to improve your life, I highly recommend working with Mariya.

Lindsey Derrick Hunt

Entrepreneur, Tantra & Meditation Teacher, Author


Dee Schneidman

Creative, Museum Sciences 


Wendy DuBois, an engineer, mom, USA

I shifted my perception & found my place and purpose

We worked on the phone. I experienced a shift inperceptionand knowing my place and purpose. I reached out in a state of confusion and now feel in grace.

There is something special about Mariya—she moves things, and she is so intuitive. She helped me move out of a place of pain. I am very grateful.

Marissa Grammar, a college student, USA

My self-growth is astounding

I will admit that I was skeptical of this process, but the growth I’ve seen in myself is astounding. I feel like a better, healthier human being for knowing and learning from you. Thank you!

Sarila Rana, a mom, USA

I gained clarity & purpose

I have no words for Mariya, she is gifted. I instantly felt connected, relaxed, &comfortable.

During the energy healing session, all the stiffness inside me started to melt. All my life I was aimlessly and tirelessly searching without knowing what I was looking for. She helped me understand the reason for my search and gave clarity about my current state of life, and what I need to do from now on.

I felt so light, as if the baggage I had been carrying so long finally found a place to rest, and I am free.

Yasmin Samhouri, a nurse, USA

I connected to my mental, emotional, & spiritual intelligence

During the class, the interactions and open dialogue not only opened my eyes to the different perspectives and experiences of others, but they also taught me a lot about myself which I was not previously aware of.

There is nothing more fulfilling than being self-aware and compassionate in order to truly get in tune with my emotional, mental, and spiritual intelligence.

Esther Carvalhaes, Ph.D, researcher, France

Can see ahead with more clarity & less worry

Mariya’s combination of gentle guidance and powerful listening effectively and promptly shifted me from a state of fatigue and worry to a state of peace, relaxation, non-judgment, and awareness.

I could experience my moment without distraction and see ahead with more clarity. I was uplifted and recharged. I also had lots of fun. It was rewarding to be able to freely laugh together.

Ilona Tipp, musician, singer, USA

Feelings of joy & mindfulness lasts for weeks

Somehow Mariya knows exactly where I am holding pain or tension and coaxes it out of me. Even our remote session over the phone was incredibly powerful—she helped me fight off and avoid the flu!

Her gifts go beyond the physical body, though. Seeing her is like an emotional therapy session. I always feel more at peace and balanced, and that feeling of joy and mindfulness lasts for weeks afterward.

Alia Lahlou, community organizer, journalist, USA

Living with more inner alignment & joy

I’m simultaneously speechless and overflowing with words about my intuition sessions with Mariya. They were fun, playful, deep, intense, real, healing.

After each session, I felt a sense of clarity and ease, walking away with renewed energy and percolating ideas about what’s possible in my life.

Part therapist, part play friend, part wisdom magician, Mariya was truly wonderful to work with. I recommend her to anyone interested in living with more inner alignment and joy.

Catherine Lamb, psychologist, New Zealand

A magical ripple into every part of my life

My session with Mariya was not only mind-blowing but physically altering. During the guided journey I felt relaxed and safe to share, feel, and express whatever came into my field of awareness.

With Mariya’s help, I addressed mental, physical, social, and spiritual obstacles. I felt extreme love in parts of my body that have been numb for years. I found a sense of freedom and peace. I recommended a slice of Mariya’s magic.

This was not just a session – it rippled into every part of my life. I am full of gratitude for this opportunity.

Get my Candy-for-the-Soul writing in your Inbox. Sign Up Now.

If you have any questions send me a note below. I will get back to you within 48 hours:

Thank you.  

Love ❤️
