Money Alchemy

A FREE 3-day Masterclass on getting UNSTUCK on your journey to spiritual and financial abundance. 

Many of us carry deep-rooted beliefs about money that hold us back. In Money Alchemy, you will learn how to break free from limiting money beliefs and create a life of prosperity and abundance.

Learn from an award-winning educator, healer, and coach who helps people transform their relationship with money and step into their power. 

Mariya Shiyko, PhD

Have you ever judged money?

Made professional & personal choices out of fear of not having enough?

Have you sacrificed yourself for money?


Then, this 3-day masterclass is for you.


Given that most of us come from a long history of conditioning around money (how you earn it, how you need to be in order to earn it), most of us carry deep-seated money blocks and negative beliefs. They are even stronger for women, people of color, or other minorities. This conditioning hinders our personal and professional growth.

In this FREE virtual masterclass series, we will dive deep into the heart of these issues. In essence, money is energy, and it's here to support your growth and expression.

To alchemize your experience with money, you have to understand this energy, how it moves, and how you can approach it. 

The details:


Dates & Time: November 10, 11, & 12 at 5:30 PM EST ✨

Duration: 60 minutes (each) of empowering insights and transformative practices ✨

 Location: Online on Zoom - Join from the comfort of your home ✨

Investment: Your time. This is a FREE Masterclass series, open to all ✨

Replay: If you can't make each session live, all three sessions will be recorded. Be sure to register below to receive the replay links! ✨


Here is what we will explore:

💰 Having a mindset of neutrality and curiosity around money: so that you can be connected to your intuition, creativity, aligned actions, and motivation to pursue your inspiration and purpose. 

💰 Understanding your fears around money: Discover how societal judgments and past experiences can trigger your fight-or-flight response, and how money blocks manifest in our lives. 

💰 Embracing the true nature of money: Learn to view money as a neutral force, allowing it to flow effortlessly into your life and business.

💰 Nervous system regulation: Master science-backed techniques to transform fear into acceptance, creating space for confident decisions and aligned actions.

💰 Mind-Body-Spirit connection: Experience a unique practice that will help you regulate your nervous system and experience true money alchemy.

Learn from an award-winning educator, healer, and entrepreneur who has helped thousands of people since 2009.

Mariya combines sciences, metaphysics & art to initiate change, self, love, and growth in her clients and to help them align with their talent, joy, and purpose. She has been featured in Women Inspired TV, Mind-Body Radio, Mindfulness Journal, and more. 

On an informal note: my personal journey with money has been bumpy, because as a spiritual person I've learned that spirituality & money don't mix. Also, I came from communist Russia, which had extremely judgmental views on money. In the process of helping myself to undo the conditioning, I started working with others & noticing very similar threads that are culturally & societally reinforced. 

I can't wait to share with you the amazing possibilities that exist! 

Don't miss out on this FREE masterclass series. Save your seat today!