Respectful Parenting

I have shared this story as one of the final scenes in my book "From Russia to Joy". Here it is:Ā 

It was February 2020. I was meditating and asking my guides questions about business ...Ā Usually, I would ask a question & wait for a response. On that day, I asked this question, "How can I move forward in my business?"

In thisĀ meditation, instead of my usual guides, I had a new spiritual being come to me and share, "Would you be my mother?" I almost fell off a chairĀ šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

I didn't expect that my business direction would be becoming a momĀ šŸ˜Š.Ā But it was time! I've been dreaming of this moment for many years and I finally met my life partner.

The concept of choosing our parents was familiar to me in theory, but this was a literal ask from a soul that was ready to come in and become my son.

On December 13, 2020, I gave birth to a baby boy Amari.Ā 

I've done a considerable amount of research trying to educate myself about how I can raise him. Having come from a dysfunctional family and having spent a big chunk of my life healing from my childhood, I wanted to break the pattern. I wanted to have a great relationship with my child and save him years of healing.Ā 

RESPECTFUL PARENTING is a wonderful system of parenting. It's a practice, a set of tools and techniques that teaches parents to be compassionate and patient leaders, who respect autonomy, choice, body, emotions, and a natural pace of development for their children. This approach not only has helped me be a better mother for Amari but also brought much understanding around my personal struggles and what I lacked as a child.Ā 

Below, I share with you resources that have helped me - I hope you find them beneficial for yourself and your children.Ā 

Happy parenting!Ā 

Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions. Email at [email protected]

This is a poster summarizing baby needs for 0 to 2-year-olds. I created it as a reminder for myself and other caregivers in our house. You can print and place it on a wall. Parenting is a challenging choice at times, and little reminders go a long way. You can also use this poster as a self-reparenting guide, which means reparenting your own inner child and giving yourself what you might not have received growing up.

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