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The Pendulum πŸ•°οΈπŸ•° abundance business owner money


We have so much baggage when it comes to money. All kinds of conditioning from the...

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Why Doing, Doing, Doing Isn't Working? business owner energy inner peace

Do you know what I do when I feel overwhelmed?! And when I feel that I have too many things on my...

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A New Paradigm of Work 😜 business owner change your life self-acceptance

Collectively, we are moving into a new reality of work and life. 

If you have been following...

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Releasing the Overwork business owner inner peace self-love

Last month, was a big expansion in my business - which I am so happy about! And celebrating!!!


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10 Tips on Moving From Hobby to Business🎨 business business owner entrepreneur entrepreneurs mindset money

The time when you sacrificed yourself for anything is over. Instead, it is the time when you...

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