10 Tips on Moving From Hobby to Business🎨
Jun 19, 2023
The time when you sacrificed yourself for anything is over. Instead, it is the time when you actually render yourself SACRED.
Work included ...
I want to really emphasize the OLD BELIEF where you can only get paid if you sell your skills (& partially yourself) to a company. And I want you to consider that it's possible to DO WHAT YOU LOVE & get paid for it.
I am not urging you to jump on the wagon & start your business right away. Consider, doing it in stages instead - gradually.
These are 10 tips to consider if you have something that you love doing & something that is aligned with your purpose. How can you slowly start building your business and your income?
These are 10 tips I wished I knew before starting my own business.
1. Follow your intuition & trust the timing of things. You'll know when the time is right to start implementing these strategies & also go full-time.
2. Check your company's policy about having a business. Most companies allow for a non-competing side business in your free time.
3. Tell your friends & family that you are looking for clients. And share services or products that you do provide.
4. Consider pricing your offers & products. Even if you just have a thought about how much something costs & how much money you need to live brings concrete numbers to your "toy business."
5. If you have a podcast or social media - consider adding a little link that says, "I can do this for you."
6. Do business & money mindset - do it consistently. Read books, listen to podcasts about business, and gain experience & wisdom around it. Running your own business is VERY different from working for someone else. It gives amazing flexibility and requires discipline, strategy, & grounded choices.
7. Network. Meet people. Learn about what they do. Share with them what you do.
8. Dream. Imagine that you actually LOVE working with your clients. They are awesome. You love them & care for them. And they reciprocate. It's a sustainable energy exchange. That's the only way to do work really. A one-way street isn't sustainable. Imagine your ideal clients - the kind of qualities they have. Manifest.
9. Love yourself. Know your value. Yes, business requires you to articulate your value - almost on a daily basis. There is no better way to practice your self-love, self-value & self-acceptance skills.
10. Enjoy it. Especially if you have no deadlines around transitioning full-time, enjoy it to the maximum and gain skills. Also, be aware of self-care needs. And at some point, just jump in.