41 Things I did 2022🎅
Dec 28, 2022
Last year, I shared 77 things I did in the past year, and I got lots of nice comments, saying that my list inspired people to review their own year. This year, I couldn't come up with 77 things (I am sure, they are there, it's just my brain is fried a bit by the end of the year), so I am sharing 41 things instead.
Enjoy and I would love to hear from you about your year as well. Send me an email. Here we go:
- We traveled for 3 months, as a family, along the East Coast - all the way to GA and back to Boston.
- I made some really meaningful connections with people and met new friends
- I've helped to organize a community dance, called Heart Hive, which we run once a month, with an amazing team.
- I've developed a new healing modality, called Divine Matrix Healing (TM). It is so powerful - I am mind blown. I'm sure I will be sharing more about it in the new year.
- I've created and run 5 group courses. They are on these topics: the law of attraction, healing money wounds, connecting to the spirit, improving your relationships, and letting go of the past. It was LOTS of creative energy!
- I've discovered this amazing podcast by Aubrey Marcus
- I've really enjoyed the book "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne
- I've also enjoyed her other book "The Secret"
- I saw my family in Greece, for 3 weeks. We were blessed to see each other because it's impossible to go to Russia right now. They met their grandson for the first time.
- I spent plenty of time outdoors, gardening, walking and enjoying nature.
- I worked with some incredible people as my clients who are doing amazing things in this world. I feel very fortunate.
- I cried lots of happy tears. There were many moments when I felt very grateful, happy, and content.
- I experimented with a vegetable garden & it was a disaster, in my opinion. Maybe, the summer was too hot & dry.
- We went to the summer dance camp as a family and had a great time. It was wonderful to see old friends.
- I danced a lot - just on a daily basis.
- I read the book "No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame" by Janet Lansbury & really recommend it to any parents of toddlers. It's a lifesaver. And money & time saver, long-term: less therapy in adulthood for the kids.
- I committed to posting on social media. I struggled with visibility and posting, but I am finding my way & learning to make it fun and easeful.
- I have done a lot of my own inner work this year, releasing the past hurt and deep wounds. I have come to much acceptance, peace, and understanding of the past. I have also done tons of shadow work - it's helping me so much in my life and business.
- I have worked with several business coaches. Some experiences were meaningful, and some were - ugggh. I guess you learn from all of it - including the "not-so-amazing" experiences.
- My partner Steven and I have strengthened our relationship a lot. We had some lovely dates and honest conversations. We work really well as a team - around the house, childcare, and life in general. I am very grateful to this man. He brings the best out in me.
- I've learned to trust myself deeply, surrendering to the flow of life.
- I am healthy - physically and emotionally.
- I have come even more to terms that I am a highly sensitive person. I really enjoyed this book "The Wonderfully Weird Woman's Manual: How to Thrive & Bloom when you're Fiercely Bright, Feel too much, & Have Way too many Passions."
- We ate amazing food, thanks to Steven, who is the main cook in the house.
- I enjoyed some good sexy times
- I had some good and deep belly laughs - especially with Amari.
- I have grown a lot as a mom this year. Have learned to set boundaries (even though it's still not easy), be even more patient, and enjoy the process.
- I have come to be even more present: here and now and embracing whatever life is bringing, while also consciously co-creating it
- I have way fewer questions about life. And enjoy just being.
- There has been a gradual shift in me, with a deep desire to serve others, yet without sacrificing myself.
- I started thinking about my legacy and what I want to leave behind and how I want the world to look. I started thinking about what I wanted to do this upcoming year, which would improve the lives of others. I know it's a bit funny to say, given the nature of my work, but the desire is much more grounded, and the feeling now is that I can actually make a difference. In the past, there used to be a lot of feelings of disempowerment.
- I wore plenty of beautiful dresses and clothes and feel much more connected to my sensuality and feminine energy.
- I prayed a lot and came even deeper into my heart - there seems to be much peace with life and it's unfolding right now.
- I've had to let go of a lot: VAs, with whom we didn't click; some ideas about myself or my life; and some habits. It's good to let go!
- I loved a lot!
- I took a pole dancing class, hoping for a new hobby. I loved it, but then spent an hour vomiting in my car - from vertigo. I never went back
- I did pottery and really enjoyed it. I now have a few small hand-made vases and cups.
- I laughed a lot. I remember one particular evening with Steven when I was just making fun of some challenges we were going through. We laughed our bellies off. It was so therapeutic!
- I practiced speaking Greek because we went to Greece. It was rusty but good.
- I forgave a lot. I let go of so much stuff from the past. Because I simply can't let my energy and body carry the past stuff - it's depressing. I did a liver detox too - to help with letting go.
- I considered learning how to be a DJ, but then let go of that idea - maybe, when I retire :)
That's it for today!
P.S. You can work with me by doing 1:1 coaching or taking one of my group courses.