A special meditation for the holidays
Dec 29, 2023
Happy Holidays, love.
I’d love to share with you a little ceremony and meditation you can do during this time of the year. To celebrate without being constrained by the dogma.
It’s connected to Christ’s Consciousness.
Think of Christ as Energy of unconditional love that is there for you to help you open your heart to love and a higher perspective.
Here are the steps you can follow. Set aside 15 to 40 minutes for this meditation.
1. Sit to meditate and take a few deep breaths. If it helps you, put on some soft instrumental music.
2. Connect to your heart. You can even place your hands on your heart. Feel the warmth there and love.
3. Ask silently or out loud to connect to the energy of Christ Consciousness. If visualization helps you, imagine it as a bright light that has only good intentions for you and others.
4. See this light coming into your body, mind, and every cell of your being. Open and be there to receive it. You can imagine it as waves of light or waves of water washing over you.
Christ energy is extremely healing. I’ve worked with it in my healing practice for years. It can help you soothe whatever mental, physical, or relational disturbances you have.
Spend some time receiving it for yourself.
5. Then, send this energy to others. People you love. People you know. People you don’t know. Send it to the parts of the world that need healing and love right now. See this light spreading and bringing peace.
You can repeat this meditation as often as you wish. And during this time of the year, it’s especially potent, since so many people connect to Crist Consciousness now.
Enjoy and happy holidays!
🧡 Mariya
P.S. The holiday specials are still available. These are amazing offerings for your mind, soul, and body. To help you balance & restore your energy as well as set intentions forward.