The 10 Top Books of 2023
Dec 19, 2023
Today, I want to share with you some awesome books, in case you are looking for some inspiration for when you are curled up in a blanket with a good book and a cup of tea or hot chocolate.
1. Crazy good: A book of Choices. I mean, we make choices every single day. And those choices define our lives. The point of the book is that it’s not good enough to have an OK life. You gotta have a f*cking fantastic life! I am totally on board with that 😊
2. A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of the “Course of Miracles” Connection to Source (or however you call it — God, Universe, Higher Power, Divine Spark) is necessary when you start building the life of your dreams. Because ego and fear get in the way. This book is a great reminder of that.
3. My Brilliant Money Book: For Joyful & Creative Living. Yes, by truly yours! I re-read my own book this year. It’s f*cking amazing! I love. it’s funny, quirky, cuts through BS, and gets you connected to your heart and your truth right away!
4. Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative. I loved that book. It’s so simple and inspiring. If you are a creative type, this book is for you!
5. Embracing Your Father. It’s a wonderful book if you are ready to be a grown-up, let go of the past, and connect to your parents as an adult. And actually, enjoy what you can while you still have the time.
6. The Book of Longing. I couldn’t work or sleep when I was reading this book — it sucked me right in. It’s a fantastic story of Anna — the wife of Jesus and her wonderful & very human perspective on the well-known story 😊
7. You are the Placebo. I mean, Dr. Joe Dispenza made spirituality more mainstream with his books. As I was reading it, I was nodding a lot, “Yes, yes, yes.” Given that research and data are the new religion of the 21st century, he did a fantastic job of using the commonly accepted language to describe the healing process.
8. Pussy: A Reclamation. This is a fantastic book if you want to reconnect with your sexuality. It’s written from the feminist perspective. And has stories and practical exercises to incorporate into your life.
9. Liver Rescue by the Medical Medium. All about nutrition, healthy eating, and healing yourself with food — the natural way, rather than drugs, which make you even sicker.
10. Book of Dreams: Donovan Legacy. If you want to read something sexy about witches, romance, and erotic novels, this one is great. The language is so rich and juicy 😊
Enjoy them & let me know what are some of your favorite books for 2023.
As a reminder, I am still offering limited-time holiday offerings. You can find them here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask!