What Is Spiritual Channeling?
Jan 23, 2025
What is spiritual channeling?
I have facilitated thousands of spiritual channeling sessions for individuals and groups, and one of the most common questions I’m asked is: What is spiritual channeling? Here’s one way to define it:
Spiritual channeling is receiving and sharing messages from the Divine as they apply to your life, work, or any other area. These messages serve as guidance and support, helping you navigate challenges, connect with your purpose, and move toward your highest potential.
One of my favorite parts about channeling is creating a space of unconditional love and non-judgment for my clients so that we can explore shifts and questions in their lives openly while also considering points of higher wisdom.
There are several effects that spiritual channeling can bring about:
- Reconnect with your heart and love
- Feel a deep sense of peace
- Uncover your inner wisdom
- Discover unexpected solutions to life’s challenges
- Shift your mindset and perspectives
- Embrace empowerment and release fear
- Let go of control and surrender to trust
- Remember your purpose and who you truly are
- Align with your highest potential
- Receive healing around feelings of not being enough or being alone
- Understand the deeper meaning behind your experiences
- Transcend points of fear and see with more clarity
In my experience, everyone has the ability to channel Spirit and receive Divine messages - in one form or another. It does require, however, practice, repetition, and the cultivation of certain qualities, such as:
- Benevolent and compassionate intentions
- Purity and non-attachment to the answers that do come through
- A genuine desire to help
- An abundance mindset
- Connection to unconditional love
- Some kind of consistent centering practice
If you’re channeling for your business or work, you can ask Spirit for guidance on areas such as:
- The direction and purpose of your business and/or work
- Strategies to achieve your goals
- Pricing and value alignment
- Attracting aligned clients (and creating win-win relationships)
- Resolving specific business challenges
- Infusing more joy into your work
- Cultivating a mindset of abundance
When I channel for others, the most common response is tears—not tears of pain, but of being deeply seen, understood, and appreciated. These are tears of recognition from people who see their values, gifts, and the deeper purpose behind their struggles. Channeling provides a profound connection and reminds us that nothing we experience is meaningless.
Channeling also applies beautifully to other areas of life. You can ask Spirit for guidance on:
- Romantic relationships
- Forgiveness
- Relationships with children or parents
- Creativity
- Health and well-being
- And much more
Through channeling, people are often brought back to their pure essence. They recover hope because the connection to Source/Divine/Universe/Unconditional Love is so strong during a session. It feels like being cradled in the arms of the Divine, in a space of non-judgment and unconditional love, while also receiving gentle, yet direct, guidance toward their highest potential.
I feel deeply honored every time I channel for others. It allows me to witness the beauty, humanness, and innocence within each person.
If you have questions or would like to schedule a session, feel free to reach out.
With love,
P.S. Check out a list of 50 metaphysical abilities you can develop when opening your spiritual gifts